APR HR Ginger and 4XGMPR Griffey. This will be a phenomenal litter! Pupppies born february 27, 2024. This litter were all sold
Ginger is an Advance Pointing Retriever and has her HR Title. She is a sweet loving girl and very obedient. Griffey is a 4XGrand Master Pointing Retriever. Both have an outstanding point. Both Ginger and Griffey are a very dark yellow in color.
APR HR Red Rooster ZZ Hot Spicy Ginger
DOB 8/30/14
OFA Hips Good OFA Elbows Normal
Penn Hip >90%, CNM Clear by Parentage, EIC Clear, CERF Clear 2023
Paw Print Genetics Essential Panel Clear
Giffey is a 4X Grand Master Pointing Retriever and is a very muscular dog who is easy to train, eager to please. For mor information on Giffey, go to: https://www.huntinglabpedigree.com/pedigree.asp?=140558.
Date of birth: 2/11/18
Elbows: OFA LR-EL112230M55-C-VPI (NORMAL)
Hips: OFA LR-264605G55M-C-VPI (GOOD)
Eyes: CERF Normal
EIC Clear, CMN clear
Paw Print Genetics Essential Panel Clear
APR HR Red Rooster ZZ Hot Spicy Ginger
DOB 8/30/14
OFA Hips Good OFA Elbows Normal
Penn Hip >90%, CNM Clear by Parentage, EIC Clear, CERF Clear 2023
Paw Print Genetics Essential Panel Clear
Giffey is a 4X Grand Master Pointing Retriever and is a very muscular dog who is easy to train, eager to please. For mor information on Giffey, go to: https://www.huntinglabpedigree.com/pedigree.asp?=140558.
Date of birth: 2/11/18
Elbows: OFA LR-EL112230M55-C-VPI (NORMAL)
Hips: OFA LR-264605G55M-C-VPI (GOOD)
Eyes: CERF Normal
EIC Clear, CMN clear
Paw Print Genetics Essential Panel Clear